Optimise the good energy flow in your bathroom for happier, healthier and more prosperous life
We, at Quarrybank Boutique, always look for innovative and unique ideas to benefit our customers. And given that the world is recognising the importance of wellbeing and the impact of positive energy, we looked into incorporating the positive energy flow into bathroom design.
Feng Shui, when applied correctly into bathroom space, can quickly transform the energetically unfavourable place into abundant and tranquil space.
By applying certain layout techniques, colours and furniture choices, your bathroom can create wealth, health and prosperity. Feng Shui is believed to have been around for over 6 thousands of years. Its principle is about allowing the good energy CHI to flow easily to create positive feelings.
It can be achieved by incorporating organic shapes and balancing the element of water with other 4 elements: fire, earth, metal and wood.
Koralia Hume: I am a spiritual person and energy work is really important in my life hence I was determined to find ways to incorporate my knowledge to my daily work and offer our customers an opportunity to improve their wellbeing, create a joyful household and even bring more prosperity into their lives. Just like I did for my home. It really works”.

Bathroom is one of the most important rooms in the house yet often the last one to be invested in. From a Feng Shui point of view, the bathroom drains the household’s energy, the negative and also the positive one. Ensuring that certain rules are applied to the design in order to retain and amplify the positive energy, can really change your life.
One of the crucial points of any bathroom design are mirrors. Mirrors amplify the energy so if placed in the wrong direction, like opposite the door, mirrors can create negative effects.
Sofia Charalambous, Origins Living: “In Feng Shui, the flow of energy is an essential consideration and mirrors can enhance the overall brightness and illumination, making the space feel more vibrant and spacious. When a small room lacks natural light or is cramped, mirrors can be used to balance the energy by redirecting and circulating it. They can help distribute the energy evenly throughout the space, creating a harmonious and balanced atmosphere.”
We believe that our customers will really appreciate the possibility of enhancing their bathroom designs with a positive energy flow as we all need the good energy in our lives, especially in times we live now, with so much worry and stress surrounding us.
Read more about our Feng Shui services here